Later this year the 30% Federal Tax credit on new Solar and Wind installations will expire. Without this incentive the alternative energy industry will have a major setback. Congress can renew this credit, but they are bickering and may go on their summer break without voting to extend the credit. Now is the time to contact your representatives in Congress and let them know this important bill has to be renewed. Nancy Pelosi could bring this issue up for a vote, but she has stalled on this bill and will not call for a vote. Her phone number is: 202 225-0100, I urge you to call her and let her know we want this tax credit and it needs to be voted on. It is time to let Congress know we want action! I cant believe that this is happening, especially now when one of the main topics of discussion is our dependency on foriegn oil and what we can and need to do to fix that problem and become a self sufficient country. Please call Ms. Pelosi and urge her to extend the tax credit. The big oil companies get all kinds of tax credits, dont we all deserve the same if we install alternative solutions?
I am tired of these do nothing Dem's, time for some change...We need solar and wind power now.
It's not the "do nothing Dem's" as you put it. Couldnt possibly have anything to do with Republicans overloading bills/votes with all the frivolous attachments that they are so fond of. Open you eyes.
Thanks for posting this info. I didn't realize that the tax credit was ending. I contacted NY State Senator Schumer.
I was planning on installing a wind turbine for my studio's main power supply next year. I'm hoping that we have sufficient wind here on Lake Ontario in Upstate NY to generate enough power for my kilns and lights.
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